
I welcome you to our Web site. We are a small Christian ministry that publishes the newsletter "A Trumpet In The Wilderness".  You can read more about us and our ministry by clicking on our  mission statement and What We Believe.

We have had our website since October 20, 2001. There are of course a myriad of websites on the Internet and the number of Christian sites today are staggering. I do not claim uniqueness or to have a monopoly on hearing from God. I am a mere watchman trusting the Lord day-by-day like many of you. I do not promise you will agree or like everything I write. But I do promise that whatever I write will be to the best of my ability according to what I have heard from the Lord.

I am here to deliver an ongoing and compelling message to the church. Although my writings will at times be directed to those outside the church, my main focus will be to those who claim to know Yeshua (Jesus) as their Savior and as their Lord. I believe the Church as a whole needs to repent and to be made ready as we enter deeper into this last day. The Tribulation is at hand and we must be ready to meet the Lord.

The Holy Spirit of God is the prevailing and driving force behind our ministry, this website, and everything I write. If The Holy Spirit is not the controlling power from which I write then I write in vain, and I have wasted my time. If what I write is not from the Lord then you too have wasted your time in reading such empty rhetoric.

It’s my prayer that this website will be all the Lord wants it to be. I trust it will help equip you as we enter deeper into these last days. Some of the things I write may uplift and encourage you. Other things I write may admonish, exhort, or even rebuke you. But keep this in mind that what I do write I try to write in love. Thank you again for looking at our website.